Due to high volume of orders, we are experiencing brief delays with some shipments. We apologise for any inconvenience.

M Y A T O D E S I G N   L E A T H E R

Our products use premium vegetable- tanned leather, sourced ethically. The leather comes in its most natural form and therefore the occasional blemish or stretch-mark might be found, but we like to think these add character to our leather products. All the leather we use comes as a 'by product' of animals bred for the food industry. 

This does mean that our leather will age over time. The natural quality of our leather means that scratches may appear, and with use, the leather will darken as it is exposed to the sun and handled by its owner.

Exposing the leather used for the Clutch and the Wallet to rain or water may cause a permanent water mark. If a few drops or splashes of water have appeared, let them dry out and there should be no marks left.

H A N D M A D E    P R O C E S S

Our products can take anywhere between 2 hours and 2 days to make due to the precision, concentration and skill required to craft each item. We hope that you are able to appreciate the love and time that has gone into making your bag.

If you have any questions or problems with your Myatods-Handmade product don't hesitate to get in touch with Dom on our contact us page, and we will do our best to help!


To clean your leather products, there are many conditioners and leather waxes readily available on the high street. If there are any other problems, go to a trusted local leather goods repair shop or contact us.

To add shine to your Myatods product, gently buff the leather with a soft lint free cloth. This method can help to erase sctratches and surface damage as the method draws out natural oils in the leather.